Wednesday, February 29, 2012

February Goals Recap

Whoa, y'all. Where the heck did February go? I mean, seriously?!

I feel like I looked up and there it went. Time is flying by far too fast, especially given all of the big things that are happening for me in three months. Oy.

Here's a recap of the goals for this past month:

Lose 10 Pounds: No, this did not happen. I actually did not go anywhere in this department. And actually, I consider that a success considering I basically ate my way through Disney World {a blog post on that soon} and lived off of coffee and McDonald's while I was driving. I'll recycle this goal for next month.

Read 10 books: This also didn't happen. I did read 6 though, which is not shabby. I've been doing a lot of reading, just not books. That is, I've been reading fanfiction. #iamadork #somefanfictionisreallygood. I'm going to recycle this goal, also, and see if I can do this in March.

Clean Out the Garage: It's a work in progress, as I expected it would be. I'm shooting for a garage sale at the beginning of April {I should know more about the visa situation by then} when it's pretty outside and not too hot. I'm hoping to get some pictures of what the garage looks like now and what it looks like when I'm done.

Pay Down Student Loans: We're getting there. It's also a {huge} work-in-progress. But, if I keep at it, I can be gone with one of my loans in two years. Shorter if I dedicate future bonuses and income tax returns to the cause. I'm pretty proud of the progress I have made.

Get my visa paperwork in order: Another work-in-progress. I'm waiting on a lot of things {passport renewal, duplicate diploma, etc.}, and should be ready to send them out by April, USPS willing.

Meet some bloggers in real life: I did this! Heather and I met for brunch a few weeks ago {and that place is now my favorite new breakfast spot! Yum!}, and it looks promising that I might be able to make the next blogger meet-up for my area!

How did you meet your goals this past month?


  1. My goals are very similar to yours!

  2. I went to Disney in February too!
