Saturday, June 18, 2011

Thirty Days of Summer Camp: Day 1

I might have mentioned that I'm a Camp Director. Yup, the Big Cheese. The Head Honcho, the Boss {(second time in my life to be called Boss!)}. It's kind of weird. Me, in charge?! Yep, I'm in charge! I giggle inside every time I call myself the Camp Director.

You'll get to hear all about why I love camp over the course of this summer {(um, why don't I love camp?!)}, but I thought I'd show you what I get to wake up to every single morning by linking up to Kim's Saturday Snapshot!

In this series, I might not post everyday. Being at camp can be ex-haus-ting. Sometimes things happen {(like someone putting beads down the toilet)} that require my attention. But, you'll get a full thirty days of summer camp before I leave this place in August. Sound fair?

This is the view from my office. Our camp overlooks the ocean; imagine watching this breezy sunrise, coffee in hand. You watch the water birds swoop and fly through the bay, and smell the salty air. This is the life, my friends.

You see that little boat, just there? It has two old fisherman. Sometimes they just sit there with their poles. Sometimes, after they, and the shrimping boats leave, a pod of dolphins comes to scavenge for some easy grub. And sometimes those men stop our boat and watch our flag ceremony.

Until next time, drink lots of water and wear sunscreen!


  1. this looks awesome. love summer camp! what camp are you a director of?
