Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Embracing New Adventures

Do you remember about 3 years ago {three years!!} when I was debating whether I wanted to come work in China, or if I wanted to take a dream job at home? Obviously, I came to China, and have had so many fun experiences. But, it became clear to me that I needed something else.

This was especially so after I led a few adventure trips with a local start-up company. I was so happy and relaxed after those trips and it was clear to me that I was ready to move on. However, I am a firm believer in making plans, saving, and waiting for the right opportunity to come along.

Finally, it did. I just left my job in China for a short-term, amazing, volunteer opportunity in Switzerland. Yes, Switzerland! I am excited, nervous, apprehensive, but ready to conquer something new.

Saying goodbye was difficult, one of the more difficult things I have done in awhile. I'll miss the friends and spectacular folks I have met in China, and can't being to tell you what an impact they have made on my life. Currently, I'm traveling before I head to Zurich. Look for those posts soon!

Hello new adventures!

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