Introducing Bic Pens for her, for sale in the UK and Europe. From the Amazon product description, we know that these pens offer a design that fits "comfortably in a woman's hand" and an "attractive barrel design available in pink and purple." As ridiculous as that sounds {I mean, really, I think Lisa Frank covered this whole pen thing years ago}, the best part are the Customer Reviews.
Let me be clear: there are no serious reviews. All are sarcastic, hilarious, and {rightly} taunting to Bic for coming up with such a silly product. Some of my favorites?
From Zoe:
An outrage-- who deemed it necessary for women to write things? It's bad enough when women get their claws on men-pens-- but at least they're harpy claws can't adequately grasp the "For Him" shape. These "For Her" pens are promising a generation of incorrigible Friedanites-- a real danger to this already threatened international climate. Surely, pens "For Her" are harbingers of wild orgies, witchcraft, and, in due time, the feminist-wrought apocalypse. If women can write, they'll soon be writing employers memos asking for ridiculous things like "equal pay" or "reproductive rights." Nonsense and poppycock!
From Ellie:
I bought these pens because I grew tired of manly pens that were too robust for my dainty hands. However, I must warn all you post-menopausal BIC(R) For Her users that using these pens can reverse menopause. I am now pregnant with triplets. What do I do now?
And, from Alk:
I bought it simply because it was pink, and shiny, and would go with my outfit. I was going to my first job interview, I was going to be interviewed for a secretary in one of those big offices that are for men. So when I took out this pen to sign my name in the guest book, I felt this weird rush of confidence going through me. I felt...worthy, like I could actually do something more than look pretty, stare blankly and smile.
I got the job and now I am a happy office worker and the only woman in the office.These pens have changed my life. Girl Power!
The rest of these are just as great. I will say, some are a bit bawdy {orgies, using the word "shaft" for pen, sexual innuendos, that sort of thing} but mostly in good taste. I bet Bic doesn't try this nonsense again!
Dr. Pepper pulled the same crap a few months ago.
Really companies? Can't we all just share pens and drinks?