Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Tea parties and other things you're not too old for!

I have a friend from college whose husband is currently living in England for a few months. The lucky girl that she is, she got to go with him for two of those months.  When she got back {husband still stuck overseas}, she threw a tea party!

Now, I know you probably haven't had one of these since you invited forced your mom/dad/grandparents/neighbors/dog/stuffed animals/Barbies to play with you. But, the adult version is SO much better.

I mean, how fun is it to eat little tea sandwiches {some featuring my Healthy Egg Salad! Recipe to come soon!}, scones, petit fours, and french macarons? And the tea? Well, that's WAY better as an adult! Arnold Palmer {tea, lemonade, vodka} ruled this tea party!

And, just because it couldn't get any more fun, we wore fascinators {you know, the fun little headbands or hats the Brits wear to weddings and fancy occasions?}; Lena let some of us borrow hers since, well, when have I been to the UK to buy a fascinator {um, yeah, they sell some at Steinmart. Our bad}?

There were scrumptious pastries {petit fours & french macarons!},

and teapot cookies {did'ya notice the "Saw 'em off?" Don't worry, there were Gig'em and Whoop! cookies to accompany it}.

And isn't this flower arrangement just to-die-for?

Don't even get me started on the tea cups.

It was a wonderful way to catch up with old friends!

How do you celebrate friends and adventures?

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