Friday, September 09, 2011

Healthy Egg Salad

When my friend Lena hosted her Tea Party, she planned on having several different kinds of tea sandwiches; artichoke and caper spread, cream cheese with cucumbers, and cream cheese with peach preserves, and egg salad. She planned on buying the egg salad, but in her local grocery stores there were only small containers of kosher egg salad for $4. Um, not worth it.

So, I offered my egg salad-making expertise {um, did I mention that I had never made egg salad before} and used my very favorite tuna recipe as a base. The result was delicious, fresh, crunchy, and surprisingly healthy! No full-fat mayo, no mush {I really hate smushy egg salad}! You can really sub any of the veggies here to suit your own preferences and budget {although, this was pretty inexpensive!}

8 hard boiled eggs, chopped {this is not set in stone; I had nine made but, um, maybe ate one for breakfast....}
1/2 diced red pepper
2 stalks diced celery
1 diced carrot
1/4 cup light mayo
3 tablespoons non-fat yogurt
1 juiced lemon

Add all ingredients into a large bowl.

Stir to combine {yeah, I told you this was easy!}
Store in the refrigerator and let flavors meld for a few hours or overnight.

Form into cute sandwiches and have a tea party!

Enjoy everyone!

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