Friday, May 04, 2012

Book Review: Let's Pretend This Never Happened

I love books that make me laugh out loud. Of course, that's not so nice when you're sharing a room at Girl Scout Camp and your roomie is trying to sleep because you've both been up taking care of little camp things forever and you have to get up in 5 hours. Oooor, you're babysitting a sleeping toddler. That was a major fail. BUT, it was all due to this hilarious. HIGH. LARIOUS.

Let's Pretend This Never Happened {A Mostly True Memoir} is a memoir written by Jenny Lawson, AKA, The Bloggess. She cracks me up. And makes me feel like less of a screw-up. I suppose it helps that she lives in Houston {she gets lost in random places in Houston, *I* get lost in random places in Houston}, but you can't help but think that it's great that there are people in the world who don't take themselves so seriously.

We follow Jenny from childhood {her father likes to collect random animals and scare people with them....yay?} and she recounts her {mis}adventures through dating, meeting the parents of her now husband, pregnancy, working in HR, having issues with depression and anxiety, and generally saying inappropriate things in public. I'm not the only one to randomly bust out with sex stuff, y'all. I promise. In fact, she talks about dildos more than I do {um, actually, I only talk about those when discussing my research with professors. I totally win this conversation}.

At one point, she ruins both her and her husband's reputation by having a wacky dinner part conversation. Also, you'll learn a LOT about her vagina. In a hilarious way. Did I mention that when she worked in HR a bunch of people e-mailed pictures of their penises {boys...really, how necessary is that}?

Seriously, she had me dying of laughter and thinking, "Yes! That happens!" Let's be real: no one believes me when I tell them things about Texas {most of my Israel trip companions thought I was kind of weird and kind of a liar} and then someone like Jenny comes along and confirms them. Yes, people DO call me a "bleeding heart" while drunk at random parties. Par for the course, y'all.

Now, you should go read this book. The awesome thing is, The Nerd's Wife is giving away a SIGNED copy on her blog. And she's awesome anyways, so you should give her some love. I'm not entering the giveaway {I do NOT need more stuff before I theoretically move overseas}, and I'm jealous that all of you can. So, go do it!

**Anyone notice that whenever someone writes a book review about this memoir that they start writing like the Bloggess? Obviously, I did it too, but it just doesn't seem right to give her book the same kind of flowery analysis that I give to everyone else. Also, it's hard to be serious about a book that made me snort milk. Just sayin'.


  1. Okay, it's official, I'm going shopping today and picking this up. I love funny reads, and memoires are the best!

  2. This sounds really funny! I have never read The Bloggess but obviously, I need to!

  3. That book sounds fun. I may have to give it a try. Love the new blog design.

  4. I've never read the Bloggess either but I read the synopsis for this a few weeks ago and it sounds sooo good!

  5. ...and I also just love the cover :)

  6. Oh my, I think I may need to read this! ;)

  7. I just finished this one and loved it!

  8. I have heard a lot of really great things about this one :)
